Account Creation Options


First of all, you can find out more about getting started with your integration and creating Stuart accounts in the post "Starting my Integration. Now, what are the options and which should you choose?

  • If you are a single restaurant / store you will only need one Stuart account and you can send all of your orders to this account, simple!

  • If you are providing Stuart Delivery to several restaurants / stores or chains through your service, we recommend you create one account per store, read more about the benefits of this approach in “One global Stuart account or one Stuart account per pickup place?

  • If you operate in several countries with Stuart, you will need one account per country with billing details provided specific to each country, for example, a French billing address for a French account and so on.

  • It is possible to use one Stuart account for orders from different restaurants / stores, but you should be sure to add clear identifiers in the ‘pickups[0].company’ field of the job creation request of the Company name and store name for example ‘Pizza Co. - Walton Store’

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