Why should I specify a `client_reference` in the Job creation?

Fill the client_reference field to ensure the traceability of your order through the whole delivery lifecycle
The field job.dropoff[n].client_reference is made to receive your internal unique Order ID. Specifying a client_reference during the job creation will allow you to receive this ID in every webhook we send to easily link any webhook update to your order.

Unicity validation:
You will not be able to create a job with a client_reference already used in an active delivery (scheduled or in_progress) of your account. The job creation will failed with the following 422 error:

  "error": "RECORD_INVALID",
  "message": "Unable to save record",
  "data": {
    "deliveries": [
      "is invalid",
      "Client reference: \"12345\" has already been taken"

The format:

The client_reference might include any special character up to 191 characters in total.
However, we do have recommendations with regards to the format of the client_reference:

  1. Try to keep the client_reference below 10 characters
  2. Try not to start the client_reference with special characters e.g. ‘#’ or ‘%’