Delivery Updates sometimes do not include clientReference

Hi, we are receiving delivery updates which do not include clientReference (it’s null), can you please tell us if this is a bug on your side or whether we are not receiving them because we have not set them correctly?


  event: 'delivery',
  type: 'update',
  data: {
    id: 3876053,
    driver: [Object],
    transportType: [Object],
    packageType: [Object],
    etaToDestination: '2018-10-17T10:02:02.000+02:00',
    trackingUrl: '...',
    etaToOrigin: '2018-10-17T08:59:03.000+02:00',
    status: 'delivered',
    clientReference: null

Many thanks.

Hello @slavo,

Digging into our logs, I see that no client_reference was specified in the job creation (job id 3914055).
As soon as you specify a client_reference we will send it back to you in every Delivery updates.

Best Regards,

OK thanks a lot for your prompt reply :slight_smile: