Unexpected delivery updates two days after delivery completed

Hey there,

We recently observed some very odd webhooks in our production environment concerning job ID 284482450 / delivery ID 293243285 / client reference 320841. All timestamps in UTC.

We made our job creation request at 2024-04-28T14:26:51.3533003Z, and received the standard lifecycle of webhooks. The last expected webhook (delivery update / delivered) arrived at 2024-04-28T15:09:08.5123105Z:


This is all as expected. But then things get weird.

About two days later, we received 5 additional delivery update webhooks with the same delivery ID and client reference as above:

  1. Received 2024-04-30T07:10:22.1256112Z:
  1. Received 2024-04-30T07:12:44.9137237Z:
  1. Received 2024-04-30T07:16:41.2132733Z:
  1. Received 2024-04-30T07:21:26.1492203Z:
  1. Received 2024-04-30T07:38:45.6986089Z:

We’re not quite sure what to make of these five “delayed” webhooks. They don’t seem to bear any relation to the actual real-world job itself.

Notably, these unexpected webhooks put our system in a bad state, so we’re trying to better understand what happened here. Thoughts?

Thanks in advance,

Hi @mirek,

Thank you for reporting this.

I also see the last delivery update webhook was sent at 28/04/2024, 16:09:08.

I will be interested in understanding how you consume our webhooks and working with you to resolve this issue.

I will send a private message to discuss this in more detail.

Hi there, just following up here. Any idea as to why those delayed (and seemingly unrelated to the job) webhooks were sent?