UK Best Address Practices

In this post we detail geocoding best practices and retry methods specific to the UK. Please be sure to also check out our general address best practices which apply to Stuart jobs of any market.

UK postcodes are very unique; They comprise of two halves, the first half being a general geolocation and the second half being a specific location within that geo-area e.g. ‘SW17 8JT’. Because of this specific postcode format, we are able to advise the following methods to reduce geocoding issues, including that where the geocoded result does not match the original address provided, which we refer to as an address mismatch.

Postcode Check Method:

The ‘postcode check method’ references the option to create a job using a full address, but check the geocoded result in the job response to further validate the accuracy of the geocoded result and avoid address mismatch.

Secondly, the response payload received after creating the job will also have a geocoded postcode in it.

Since the first half of a UK postcode indicates a specific area, we can check this first part of the postcode response against the original. If the result is not a match, you can cancel the delivery and retry using the following ‘postcode and city’ method.

Example of request with the full address:

Example of the response with address and postcode returned:

Note: The advice seen in the general address best practices still apply, particularly, additional address details should be omitted into the comments field.

Postcode and city Method:

When using this method, provide only the postcode and city in the address field to avoid address mismatches, providing the other address details in the comments. If the result is a geocoding error, retry using the full address.

Additional address details such as flat number and place names should be moved to the comments field:

  • :x: Flat 3 11 Chelsea Embankment, London SW3 4LE

  • :white_check_mark: London SW3 4LE, UK with comment:Flat 3, 11 Chelsea Embankment

What is Stuart’s recommended flow?

Below a flow diagram shows how these two methods could be combined. This recommended flow should give the maximum geocoding success. However, you may choose to handle such geocoding methods as best suits your business needs.

Should you have any questions please comment them down below!

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