New Feature: ETA to dropoff

:new: What’s new?

We are excited to announce the release of a new feature that provides you with the estimated time of the whole delivery, from placing an order until the driver arrives at the drop-off address. This pre-order calculation includes the time required for courier assignment, pick-up, and travel to the designated drop-off location. The diagram below illustrates all the job events that are taken into consideration.

:bulb: How does it work?

Before creating a job, you can use our Job eta to dropoff endpoint, and receive the estimated time of arrival to the drop-off address for a given order.

To obtain the estimated time, you should provide the addresses of both the pick-up and drop-off locations in the payload. You can also also provide coordinates in the payload.

Please note that the package type is mandatory for all payloads. For more details please check out
examples in our documentation.

:magic_wand: What’s the impact?

Now you have the option to utilise our ETA to drop off location before placing your order, and display it to your end customers!

:date: When will this change take place?

This feature is already available!

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