H2H: What is the CSV/Manifest file format?

Manifest file format

Firstly, in order to upload your manifest file it needs to be 100% compliant with our system or you will be returned with an error message.

You can find a template of the format, along with the mandatory fields here.

A few rules to consider when creating your manifest file:

  • .csv file extension

  • Use ; as separators

  • Be UTF-8 encoded

  • Use CR/LF end of line

  • Follow our naming convention below

Naming Convention

The naming convention will ensure your file has a unique name (unique in your whole server) without using any space.

This will help improve your logging and data checking processes.

{client_number}_ {date_of_the_day}_{file_number}.csv

The manifest file name should be a concatenation of the following components:

  • client_number

  • Underscore

  • Today's date (YYYY-MM-DD)

  • Underscore

  • file_number (increment or timestamp to ensure uniqueness in the name of each manifest file generated)

  • CSV File extension (.csv)


337_2022-03-10_1.csv for the first file of the day uploaded by client 337 on the 10th of March 2022