Stuart sandox service down?

All sanbox api now return this html page, event with the heath check api

We’re sorry, but something went wrong: Web application could not be started

Can be tested with curl

curl --request GET \
    --url \
    --data '{}'

This happens from last week saturday.

Hello @ectn26,

Thank you for reporting this issue.

We currently are experiencing an issue with our Sandbox environment where it seems that all endpoints are returning 500 server errors like the one you describe. Our Development teams are looking into this issue and we will keep you updated on the progress.

Once this core issue is resolved we can double check whether the /health endpoint is also responding as expected.

Our Sandbox environment is now recovering and requests are once again receiving relevant responses. I see the /health endpoint also now returning "status": "pass".

Thank you for bearing with us while we resolved this issue.