Manual Job Creation Front- End

In order to avoid using our Dashboard (meaning sometimes having too many screens in the restaurant or store) we highly recommend adding a front-end possibility for creating Stuart orders from your retailer/restaurant platform.

Retailers and restaurants often need this manual job creation platform as:
-an integration back up in case API jobs don’t get through
-for accepting phone orders or manual orders flows.

You can create the basic job using all string allowed in the job creation.

The basic fields to add:

-Client reference: job.dropoff.client_reference
-Pickup and Dropoff address: job.pickup.address and job.dropoff.address. We recommend using an address autocomplete. Check here the addresses best practices.
-Pickup and Dropoff comment: job.pickup.comment and job.dropoff.comment. We recommend making it mandatory to ensure an operational smoth delivery.
-Pickup and drop-off phone and Check here phone formatting the best practices.
-Package size (or added by default if it is always the same) : package_type. Check here the package size mapping.

You can check here the job creation API request JSON possibilities and endpoint.