Job Creation with Lat/Long coordinates

We are proud to introduce a new feature to our API. This new change will bring along additional support when locating addresses for Pickups & Drop offs.

In order to use this feature, you will be responsible for proving accurate lat/long coordinates; an address MUST also still be provided as our API will continue to use both values in order to calculate the location or an error message will be returned.

:round_pushpin: This change is possible via the Zero Geocoding Method -
Zero geocoding takes both an address string and the lat/long and does no further translations - the pin is placed at that lat/long with the physical name being equal to whatever was supplied in the address string.

This is the default setting for all accounts, no further action is needed to start providing us coordinates when creating jobs.

Please note when using the our dashboard Stuart will geocode the autocompleted addresses.
We will also geocode addresses missing the coordinates in a job for example; coordinates are provided for pickup but not for dropoff.

Please also take a moment to look at our updated API documentation that reflects the update in more detail.

For any questions please comment below!

We look forward to all feedback & we hope you enjoy the changes.

For example:
Standard job creation:

"job": {
"pickup_at": "2022-01-26T16:59:58Z", 
"pickups": [
"address": "71 Central St, London EC1V 8AB", 
"comment": "Please ring doorbell",
"contact": {
"phone": "7981234567",
"company": "Stuart Example Store" 

Job creation with Lat/Long coordinates:

"job": {
"pickup_at": "2022-01-26T16:59:58Z", 
"pickups": [
"address": "71 Central St, London EC1V 8AB",
"lat": "51.526514",
"long": "-0.097326"
"comment": "Please ring doorbell",
"contact": {
"phone": "7981234567",
"company": "Stuart Example Store"