Jobs pricing endpoint seems very expensive


We’re calling the /v2/jobs/pricing endpoint to get the price for a delivery based on pickup and delivery locations. We’ve noticed that the price is always £5.50 regardless, even if the pick up and drop off location are on the same street, like a minute away and this is obviously very expensive. This result is true for both sandbox and production environments.

Our questions is, why is the price so expensive? We’re assuming that this is, from what we’ve read, the maximum possible price and not the actual one that may be used at the time of job creation? Please can you provide us with some clarification.

Also, if the above is true then how do we get a more realistic/actual price? This is important because we use this amount to charge the customer their bill.



Thank you for reaching out to us.

The delivery price depends on various factors, including delivery distance, zone, package size, and more. You can find more details in our Stuart Help Centre post here.

The /pricing endpoint provides an estimated delivery price before creating a job.

Please note that delivery fees are calculated the same way in both the Sandbox and Production environments unless a fixed cost or specific agreement applies exclusively to Production invoices.

If you have any additional questions or need further assistance, feel free to reach out.

Best regards,

Thank you,

We’re using the pricing for food delivery services through our own application, which we provide to restaurants. As we’re not a restaurant, is there a different set of APIs we should use or any other info on this usecase?

We’re aware of the information you provided. That doesn’t really answer our question.

What I need an answer specifically to is why the cost of delivery from a restaurant to a delivery address, which is “not far”, around a mile away, is costing £6.60? As someone that’s likely used an app like Uber Eats or such, you can appreciate this is a lot to charge a customer during the checkout process.

When trying this with one of the apps which uses your services (we verified with Flipdish), the cost for the same pickup and delivery location is less than £3. As you can understand, we cannot charge our customers £6.60 for delivery, for this specific case where the location is a mile away. It’s extortionate. Same thing for other delivery services, e.g. Uber eats, charges around 2-3 GBP.

I know that I have endpoints available to calculate the price, we’re already aware and using these. 1. My question again is, why is the cost so high?
2. As we’re not a restaurant, is there a different set of APIs we should use or any other info on this usecase?

Please do not point me to documentation links, I’d like an answer to these questions.

Is there some way I can speak to somebody directly on the phone?

Thank you


Thank you for providing further details about your request.

Regarding the pricing endpoint, please note that the returned value is not influenced by the customer type. Even if you are not a restaurant, the delivery fee is determined based on the job payload included in the API call.

As for comparing prices retrieved through your account versus those obtained via another partner integrated with our solution, please be aware that the latter may have a commercial agreement in place that impacts the pricing grid applied.

Let me reiterate that our pricing endpoint remains the most accurate source of truth for estimating delivery fees in cases of plug-and-play integrations (i.e., without any specific commercial agreements negotiated with our business teams).

If you would like to review your business agreement with us, we encourage you to contact our team via the following link:
Talk to Our Team (accessible at the bottom of the page).

Please note that, due to the holiday season, there may be some delays in replies from our business team.

I hope this information is helpful. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you need any further assistance.

Thank you,

Hi Tasnim,

Thank you for this response. It makes a lot of sense and is exactly the answer I was looking for. We’ll go ahead and reach out to the Stuart team.

I really appreciate your help.

Warm regards