How to set up Webhooks V3?

:new: What’s new?

We recently announced the release of our latest Webhooks version, v3. With this upgrade, you gain the flexibility to subscribe to specific status events that are most relevant to you. Keep reading to learn more about what this new version has to offer, and how to take advantage of these features!

We strongly recommend transitioning to Webhooks v3, as all future features and enhancements will exclusively be available on this version.

:sparkles: What’s the impact?

Discover our latest enhancements, including brand new statuses:

  • Dedicated tracking statuses for returns, enabling the tracking of your package back to the pickup location in the event of an absent customer

  • Increased visibility of courier activity through a purpose built tracking status for courier reassignment to inform you of changes during the delivery process

  • Improved end-customer tracking experience through optimized courier moving to dropoff tracking. Location events are now sent only when the courier’s next delivery is yours, ensuring customers do not observe the courier moving away while attending to other deliveries

  • Reduced processing complexity through streamlined webhook payloads, alongside new identifiers to help with troubleshooting

:bulb: How does it work?

To harness this latest version of real-time tracking updates, either subscribe by API, or through the Stuart Dashboard as detailed below:

  • Log in and navigate to Settings > Integration
  • Click “Add new endpoint” to enter your URL
  • Choose “V3” and select the events which interest you
  • Click “Save”, and remember, you can add up to 6 URL endpoints to filter events separately

Webhooks v3 Setup Example

:eyes: What’s next?

We will continue to enhance our tracking experience through this v3 Webhooks offering.

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