Meaning: When to use zone coverage and when not to ? They are there, but they donot make perfect sense to why we need to incorporate them, or do we even need to incorporate, We can create job request with address validation.
Hello Suzan,
Thanks for contacting us.
Overall, we have several optional features and you don’t necessarily need to implement them all. Therefore, we have built a best practices section in our developers portal to guide integrators so their delivery experience always yields the best result.
Specifically for the zone coverage, we have an endpoint (GET zone coverage) that allows you to get a GeoJSON to represent our coverage of a given area which is particularly useful if you’d like to display it on a map or have a static validation process.
However, our recommendation is to use our validation endpoint and confirm your address will be accepted early on the ordering flow. You can find more information in our setup for success guide to make sure you avoid common errors when setting up the integration.
I hope you find this information useful but don’t hesitate to reply with any additional questions you might have.
Best Regards,
For our usecase job validation is really tricky.
About us: We are food ordering platform, customers can order food, restaurants can accept the order.
We want to integrate stuart in our platform.
The job validation endpoint requries to specify “package_type”, but there is no best way for us to know about the package type before in adavnce during user’s checkout flow.
We only have knowledge about package_type when restaurant tries to accept it, and restaurant manually selects a package.
Is there any way i can perform job validation without the package_type ?
Hi Suzan,
Thanks for sharing more details about your use case.
Ideally, your system should be able to determine the package type for the purchased items based on their number and dimensions. However, if this isn’t feasible, you might consider using a default package type, based on the products sold by the restaurant (like pizza, burgers, sushi, etc) to perform the validation. This approach should minimize errors during the job creation as you’ll be validating almost all variables before an order is accepted.
Additionally, your system needs to handle 4XX errors from the job creation endpoint effectively. This ensures restaurants are promptly informed if an order cannot be processed, allowing them to take necessary action.
For more detailed information, please refer to our API documentation and check examples of expected payloads, see screenshot below.