Adding more webhooks

Hoping someone can help. I need around 50 webhooks for my account, but I’ve hit a limit of 6. Can anyone tell me how to get more?

I run a central account for deliveries, and each shop needs their own webhook

Any help gratefully received!


Each store does not necessarily require their own webhook URL. Using the same webhook URL, each store under the same Stuart account will still be able to track their individual orders using webhooks, as the webhook url will be able to provide all updates for each account.

The reason we have the capability to have multiple webhooks urls (6 total) is in case a segregation of certain statuses is required, for instance separating critical delivery updates from less critical ones, such as driver location updates.

Our suggestion would be to explore using the singular webhook URL for an account and internally routing to that URL for updates on your stores. The payload for the delivery create webhook will take in a unique ID specific for an order, so the tracking should still be unique in nature.

Let us know if you have any further questions!


Thanks Henry, we’ll take a look into it and make some changes at our end to be able to do that. Thank you