Add Webhook V2 URL using API


Our clients are going to be registering for their own Stuart production accounts and providing us with their API Credentials. We need their Webhook V2 URL to be set to our API.

Is there a way for us to set the Webhook V2 URL using the your API? Also, is there a way for us to get the URL using the API so that we can run healthcheck scripts in case one of the clients accidentally changes it?


Hi @gluis11,

Unfortunately we don’t currently have the ability to fetch or set the webhook URL of an account by API, this can only be done through the dashboard admin page.

Would you be able to inform the client of the webhook URL to use for the set up, or otherwise set up the account for them? For the latter option you could hand over the account dashboard where they would then have no need to access the admin API set up page.

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