🔑 New Cancellation Reason Key

What is a cancellation reason key?
When tracking your Stuart orders you may have noticed the cancellation object updates, these allow you to identify cancelled, reassigned, returned, and manually stacked actions that are being performed on your order.

These actions can be identified through a combination of delivery status and cancellation.reasonKey. For more information on this, and to see all the full list of reason keys, check out this page of our API documentation.

What’s changing?
Next week, the 8th of February we will introduce new reason keys when Stuart support perform the actions on your package to split or change size.

When these actions are performed by Stuart Support operatives they select one of the following reasons which will then be available in the cancellation.reasonKey:

  • no_supply
  • wrong_weight
  • customer_cancellation_requested
  • wrong_transport_type

Note: Most of these reasons already exist in our system and can be found in our API documentation.

Will this impact my integration?
After your package is split or it’s size is changed by Stuart, the above cancellation.reasonKey will populate with one of the above noted reasons. For these actions the reason key will not be populated when the status of the delivery is pending or cancelled, and therefore these changes shouldn’t trigger any action in your system.

The main change to note is the new reason key wrong_weight, please be sure that this new key can’t cause any issues to your integration.

This change is now live on all of our environments.


We are scheduling another update to be released on the 15th March.

The following cancellation.reasonKey values will added to the possible reasons for a driver reassignment:

  • no_supply
  • wrong_transport_type
  • wrong_weight

If you’re tracking driver reassignment events when the order status moves to pending and the cancellation.reasonKey is one from this list, then please be sure to account for these new reasons that could also signify a driver reassignment starting the 22nd February.