How to integrate Wordpress (woocommerce) with Stuart api?

I am looking for any document to explain how to integrate Wordpress (woocommerce) with Stuart api. However, I couldn’t find anything.
Someone has any idea how to integrate it or any plugin, please help or suggest me?


Hi @amiega,

You can find the link to a third party Woocommerce plugin in this post.


Hello @Lauren ,
Thanks for your response.
Is there any way to integrate it without plugin?

Hi @amiega,

Sure, to do that you’d need development resources and we have some Stuart Client libraries - SDK that can help with the development work.

I saw your proposition however I haven’t experience on it. I saw the PHP SDK and the JS one but it is not easy to integrate (it is for me). Is there any clear documentation or example about your api integrated with wordpress (Woocommerce) website?

Hi @amiega,

The third party plugin is the simplest option if you are not a developer or do not have developer resources. There is a video provided as the last comment of this post to help with setting up this plugin in Woocommerce.

Other than these options, you can order Stuart deliveries manually through our dashboard interface by simply setting up and account. However, this option is not integrated directly into your website.

I am Junior Developer but as I said you i haven’t experienced on it. However, I have a PHP and Js skills. If you did before, can you suggest me where I added this SDK? Just my friend asking me to integrate to his existing woocommerce website. He is already your client (Stuart).
Sorry to ask this. May be i will try to clear it if it is not.

Hi @amiega,

Unfortunately we are not able to provide much help implementing the integration, we are mostly here to advise on the best way to use our API. It looks like Woocomerce have extensive developer resources available though, perhaps their developer community will be able to help you further.

Thanks a lot for your suggestion.

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