
When creating a job or validating parameters I sometimes get this error (it happens randomly):

{"error":"PERMISSION_DENIED","message":"Access not permitted to this resource\\ntranslation missing: en.doorkeeper.scopes.deliveries:write"}

Thank you in advance,


Hello @Jordi,

Do you have a specific example when this happened so I can investigate it.
The exact request would be perfect or the time of it. The more information you have the better.

Hi @Lauren
I can send you some info of my log:

Date: 2018-11-11 20:53:21.000

Error: {“error”:“PERMISSION_DENIED”,“message”:“Access not permitted to this resource\ntranslation missing: en.doorkeeper.scopes.deliveries:write”}

Origin: 401 Carrer del Consell de Cent 08009 Barcelona

Destination: 12 Carrer del Camp 08021 Barcelona

Call: - {“job”:{“pickups”:[{“address”:“401 Carrer del Consell de Cent 08009 Barcelona”}],“dropoffs”:[{“package_type”:“small”,“address”:“12 Carrer del Camp 08021 Barcelona”,“comment”:“1”}]}}

Date:2018-11-09 21:48:37.873

Error: {“error”:“PERMISSION_DENIED”,“message”:“Access not permitted to this resource\ntranslation missing: en.doorkeeper.scopes.deliveries:write”}

Origin: 6 Carrer de Sèneca 08006 Barcelona

Destination: 64 Carrer de Sant Fructuós Barcelona 08004

Call: - {“job”:{“pickup_at”:“2018-11-09T22:16:00+01:00”,“pickups”:[{“address”:“6 Carrer de Sèneca 08006 Barcelona”,“contact”:{“firstname”:“Väcka”,“lastname”:" “,“phone”:”+34 930 188 769",“email”:""}}],“dropoffs”:[{“package_type”:“small”,“client_reference”:“0003777”,“address”:“64 Carrer de Sant Fructuós Barcelona 08004”,“comment”:“Puerta y piso:115. Pedido ya pagado.”,“contact”:{“firstname”:“a”,“lastname”:"",“phone”:“666666666”,“email”:“”}}]}}

*note: Changed some of the info due to privacy issues.

It happens quite randomly, I cannot see a pattern in the diferents errors I have recorded.

Thank you,


Thanks for your logs, our tech team will look into that shortly and we will come back to you as soon as we can identify clearly why this is happening.

Hi @Lauren,
Any news from this error?
Thank you in advance.

Hi @Jordi,

We are not able to reproduce it consistently yet.
For information, how are you renewing your access token currently? Do you renew it before every single request or as explained here: When should I renew my oAuth2 access token?