Order created on Stuart but rider took long time

Hello @NicolasGiacconi,

I can see that this job expired three times and our support relaunched the job each time to continue searching for a driver. Receiving the job ‘expired’ status means that no driver was found within the 20 minute expiration interval set for your account. In this case, our support relaunching the job lead to this long delay between the time that this instant job was created and the time that the driver picked up the package.

To avoid this case from happening you can cancel the job through our cancel a job endpoint upon receiving the job ‘expired’ status. You can then decide whether to send another job creation request or prehaps at this stage the job is no longer relevant for you.

The good news here is that this issue you have encountered will very soon be no more. We are currently rolling out a new architecture at Stuart which is scheduled to be rolled out in Barcelona In the coming week. In this new architecture our support won’t be able to relaunch your expired jobs when you have an expiration interval set on your account (which you do, it’s 20 minutes). For more information on our new architecture and the change it brings to how expirations work please see this announcement.