Job not validated but created


We have a job which is not validated (validatejob) but which is created after.
Why ? How is it possible ?

Could you send us the logs of our API calls to identify the problem ?

Hello @julien,

Could you provide us the job ID or client reference for the order you are referring to and we will be able to investigate further and get back to you regarding this case.


Delivery #110920122


Hi @julien,

The first validate job request sent succeeded and the job was successfully created just after this:
11:35:03 POST “/v2/jobs/validate” Completed 200

A second validate job call was then made after the job was already created, thus this validation call failed with the following error showing that this client reference has already been used.

11:35:50 POST “/v2/jobs/validate” Completed 422 “JOB_INVALID_DUPLICATED_ORDER_ID”

Do you have detailled logs of this API Call ? (the full response for the job validation).
On our side, it appears that the job has not been validated but created anyway.

Hi @julien,

Please see full error below:

{:error=>“JOB_INVALID_DUPLICATED_ORDER_ID”, :message=>“Provided order ID is already used”, :data=>{:“job.dropoffs.client_reference”=>[“must be unique”, “size cannot be greater than 191”]}}

Hi @Lauren ,

Thanks for your reply.
Could you also provide us the full reply for the create Job API call (#110920122) ?


Hi @julien,

For a successful response we can only see the ‘Completed 201’ response in our logs, but the response payload you’d have received would be in the format found in our API documentation here: