Error Creating Job in SandBox environment

I’m trying to create a Job in the sandbox environment and I recieve the following error:

<500 INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR Internal Server Error,{“error”:“UNKNOWN”,“message”:“Mysql2::Error: Field ‘origin_id’ doesn’t have a default value: INSERT INTO packages (client_id, size, distance, duration, volume, estimated_base_price_cents, tax_percentage, delivery_request_id, destination_id, created_at, updated_at) VALUES (336424, ‘xsmall’, 44, 12, 1, 480, 21.0, 100001420, 1568957, ‘2019-07-17 13:01:15’, ‘2019-07-17 13:01:15’)”},[]>

Kind regards

Hello @Kujaomega,

Thank you for reporting this error, a deploy has now been fixed for this bug and you should now receive a readable error message in the request response.

Thanks Lauren,

I have test it, and now is working properly.